Everything You Need to Safely Navigate the Internet

Learn how to make the most out of the digital world without falling victim to traps, hackers, scammers, and Cybermonsters.

All products are digital downloads. Accessories not included.

All products are digital downloads. Accessories not included.

Here is everything you get today!

All products are digital downloads. Accessories not included.

Do you ever say to yourself:

But did you know that
Every 2 seconds an identity theft occurs?

Many times, we believe that we are internet-savvy or at least know how to use our favorite social networks. However, we fail to realize that there are countless threats we can unwittingly invite if we don't learn to avoid these risks.

We get used to immediacy

We accept every message that pops up on our screens without reading them.

We use the same password for all our accounts, believing that it will prevent us from ever forgetting how to access each profile.

So, is your personal information truly secure while sharing your data on certain websites and social media?

You don't need to be a computer expert to start doing things differently. In reality, it's about everyday tasks that we assume as normal, where we unknowingly accept that our information is used for purposes that put you and what matters to you at risk.

I've overcome many cyber challenges, including my identity being stolen, and I've come to understand that this complex and unfamiliar world needs an easy way to comprehend and apply it because it affects us all and is more common than you can imagine.

⚠There’s a bigger and safer way to live your life⚠
Today, I present to you:

Happily Ever Cyber!

My Award-winning and International Bestselling Book in which I teach you in a simple way through my personal experiences, how to make sure your information is protected on the internet and not fall victim to scammers, hackers, and Cybermonsters.

Through 7 chapters I will tell you how to modify some practices that will ensure you a more peaceful and protected life.

It will be an entertaining journey that we will make together.

What will you learn in Happily Ever Cyber?

  • Do you often share in your social media posts where and who you are with?

  • Do you use the same password for more than one account? 

  • Are you aware that your personal information is at risk on the internet and on your mobile device every day?

  • When you travel, do you connect to every hotel and mall Wi-Fi you come across?

  • Have you accessed your banking accounts and conducted transactions while connected to a public Wi-Fi

  • Do you sometimes go days without remembering to update your phone's software

Yes, these may sound like normal situations, but these are precisely some of the situations in which we put our information at risk without realizing it.

I am not telling you these things to frighten you, I am telling you now because, while you were reading this text, multiple cyber-attacks occurred, and I hope that you will never be the next victim as it happened to me just because I was distracted.

To ensure a comprehensive and guided transformation, the book includes a series of exercises that will teach you how to take action. It's not just about reading; it's about starting to do things differently.

But we're going to make it even easier for you. I will accompany you on this transformation journey. That's why today, I present to you the Cyber Bundle, containing everything you need to become cyber-savvy and protect what matters most to you.

All products are digital downloads. Accessories not included.

From the moment you start your journey with the Cyber Bundle, I promise that:

  • You'll be clear on how to take action to make cybersecurity a part of your life

  • You will know how to identify cyber threats and how to stay away from them 

  • You will understand the concepts of cybersecurity

  • You will be able to reduce the chance that you and your loved ones from falling victim to Cybermonster scams 

  • Learn about the experiences I have overcome in my journey and how they inspired me to create a life with much more meaning and greatness

Hi, I'm Sandra Estok!

Sandra Estok, is an author, speaker and technology professional with over 20 years of experience. Born in Venezuela, she has overcome incredible challenges and hardships to forge a career in the world of cybersecurity, earning multiple degrees and certifications. The nightmare experienced by her identity theft is the continuous inspiration to help others overcome their cyber fears, and easily learn how to protect themselves, their family, and businesses. We can decide to take control of our technology and online lives.

Are you going to leave your online security to chance or are you ready to take all the steps to protect you and what matters to you

All products are digital downloads. Accessories not included.


USD $ 180.00

Our content is intended for informational purposes only. You shouldn’t construe anything here as legal, tax, investment, financial or other advice.

Copyright © 2024 Sandra Estok and Way2Protect™ - All Rights ReservedCybersecurity Keynote Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Founder of Way2Protect, and the International Bestselling Author of the Happily Ever Cyber! book series

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